I've learned a lot from other guitar builders over the years, and so this blog is a way for me to share my own build experiences and hopefully let others learn from my success and mistakes!
A Week in the Shop
A Week in the Shop
22 Jan 2023 - delfinen, fretting, kerf, laser-cutting, neck, palm router, verkstaden
Getting back into the swing of things with making dust in the workshop: a neck gets prepped and fretted, and I try out my new ferrule block technique to learn that it needs improving.
Getting back to the Shop
16 Jan 2023 - älgen, delfinen, jigs, laser-cutting
Getting back into the workshop after a brief hiatus, and starting out with finding a great new way to radius my fretboards.
A Week in the Shop
1 Oct 2022 - 3d printing, älgen, delfinen, sanding, templates
Lots of sanding and tidying on my Älgen guitar build as it gets ready for finishing, some last minute template redesigns, and I learn how to use a new 3D printed.
A Week in and out the Shop
19 Sep 2022 - 3d printing, älgen, delfinen, ferrules, fusion 360, jigs, laser-cutting, patching, templates
A week of having more questions than answers as try to push the Delfin build forward.
A Week in the Shop
3 Sep 2022 - älgen, michael abrash, sanding
A lot of sanding, shaping, and tweaking as I knuckle down to the second 90% of that Älgen build.
A Unit of Time in the Shop
25 Aug 2022 - älgen, delfinen, scale length, strings, website
I finally get to the bottom of what's been causing issues with stringing up my Älgen guitar build, and Delfin gets marked up ready for the next stage of work.
A Week in the Shop
8 Aug 2022 - älgen, delfinen, ef1, inlays, setup and repair
A mixed set of activities in the workshop this week, as I worked on three guitars: trying to move one through the last stages of a build, getting another through the early stages, and a final one that's in for some setup TLC.