I've learned a lot from other guitar builders over the years, and so this blog is a way for me to share my own build experiences and hopefully let others learn from my success and mistakes!

A Week in the Shop

17 Jun 2023 - älgen, carving, hästen, laser-cutting, neck, spraying, verkstaden

The race is on to get Älgen ready for Liverpool Makefest, I dodge a knot as I carve Hästens neck, and I say who needs scissors if you have a laser-cutter?


A Week in the Shop

10 Jun 2023 - älgen, blues deluxe, electronics, fretwork, hästen, inlays, lacquer, noel gallagher, spraying

A busy week in the shop: getting ready to spray a 3D-printed guitar body; learning to use metal rods for dot-inlays on a neck; and when copper insulation goes rogue inside a guitar.


A Week in the Shop

4 Jun 2023 - finishing, hästen, makefest, neck, staining, vertstaden, yellow

More progress, setbacks, and progress this week as I push on with the neck I'm building, and I make the most wonderful yellow guitar top.


A Week in the Shop

27 May 2023 - andy powers, grain filler, hästen, joe cocker, mistakes, neck, verkstaden

A long write-up this week, as I make progress, make a significant mistake, make a recovery from my mistake, and make more progress.


Two Weeks Out the Shop

21 May 2023 - älgen, amp, ef1, esp32, holiday, jazz, liverpool makefest, pickup winder

A brief holiday break interrupts our normal schedule, and I have some success with analog electronics and failure with digital electronics.


A Week in the Shop

5 May 2023 - delfinen, emily hopkins, harp, hästen, jigs, routing, templates, verkstaden

A quick review of all the in-progress guitar builds, a bunch of progress on the offset build, putting an excessively complicated jig to use, and finally some fun facts about harps.


A Week Out the Shop

30 Apr 2023 - älgen, mighty beast, plectrums

A quiet week workshop wise is an excuse to have a loud week at home turning the amp up and trying out älgen properly for the first time.


A Week in the Shop

22 Apr 2023 - fretwork, necks, paintstik, plectrums

The Älgen guitar is now something I get to live with for a little, two necks get some work done, I worry about how to promote myself at shows, and I explore some guitar music outside my usual listening.


A Week in the Shop

15 Apr 2023 - 3D printing, amp, esp32, fret work, motor, pickups, staining

The old amp I built gets a new lease of life, I spend some quality time doing fret-work on a new neck, a bit looking at wood stains, and baby steps are made on my pickup winder.


A Week in the Shop

9 Apr 2023 - älgen, harley benton, staining, verkstaden

A trip to Wales, where I get to play guitars in some amazing scenery, more practicing with wood stains, and some frustrating string breakages.