I've learned a lot from other guitar builders over the years, and so this blog is a way for me to share my own build experiences and hopefully let others learn from my success and mistakes!
A Week in the Shop
2 May 2024 - hästen, measure, measure, cut, routing, verkstaden
A week of highs and lows in the workshop, as I try to push forward again with two stalled builds.
A Week in the Shop
26 Apr 2024 -
After a few hectic weeks, a quiet one this time with getting one guitar properly set up, and another a bit of a fix up.
Älgen Catchup
18 Apr 2024 - 3d-printing, älgen, markforged, svt
Catching up with Älgen: I end up on Swedish Public Broadcasting with the story of Älgen, and I go one level further into custom parts enabled by 3D-printing.
A month in the shop: wrapping up Delfinen
Workshop weeknotes: Delfinen becomes an instrument at last.
1 Mar 2024 - binding, delfinen, finishing, laser-cutting
Is this a guitar I see before me? Another weeknotes catching up with all that's happened to Delfinen since we last saw it, including it getting strung up for the first time.
Workshop Catch-up: Verkstaden
15 Feb 2024 - painting, spraying, verkstaden
Continuing the catch-up series: Verkstaden goes through the process of getting a gloss finish, and I end up making some costly mistakes along the way.
Workshop Catch-Up: Hästen
Workshop Catch-Up: Delfinen
A Couple of Weeks in the Shop
A Week in the Shop
31 Oct 2023 - delfinen, finishing, fretwork, hästen, verkstaden
Putting in the time: nothing new this week, just a week of getting on with the jobs I started previously in the workshop, with more staining, more oiling, and more fret-dressing and polishing.