I've learned a lot from other guitar builders over the years, and so this blog is a way for me to share my own build experiences and hopefully let others learn from my success and mistakes!
Another week in the shop
2 Dec 2017 - 3d printing, finishing
Working on finishing to the necks of both instruments I'm working on, and I do some experiments with 3D-printing guitar nuts.
Fretboard design generator
1 Dec 2017 - cad, cnc routing, fretboard, javascript, laser-cutting, maker, open source
A look at a tool I've made and open sourced to help you design and make fretboards for your guitars.
Making your own dot inlays
29 Nov 2017 - fretboard, laser-cutting
How to make your own dot inlays for fretboards using a laser-cutter.
A week in the shop
25 Nov 2017 - 3d printing, fretwork, tips and tricks
A week spent working on necks: carving them, etching them, and fixing them when things go wrong! I also spend some time with a new 3D-printer.
IKARI at King Tut's
15 Aug 2017 - ikari, music, the chuncaster, video
Exciting times as I get to see both my brother's band and a guitar I built on stage at King Tut's Wah Wah Hut.