I've learned a lot from other guitar builders over the years, and so this blog is a way for me to share my own build experiences and hopefully let others learn from my success and mistakes!

A week in the shop, in spreadsheets, and in Birmingham

25 Feb 2018 - amp, BoMs, CNC-routing, testing

The practice amp project finally gets to playable stage, I do some work on BoMs, and head over to Birmingham to catch a guitar show.


A week in the shop

18 Feb 2018 - 12-string, amp, cad

Week notes time again: some more work on the amp, a new programmable pedal arrives, and exciting news on new builds!


A week in the shop

11 Feb 2018 - amp, blues deluxe, red rocker, videos

The amp gets a lick of protective paint, I edit some guitar release videos, and I put together a plan for offering a discount for prototype builds.


Buy a custom prototype!

9 Feb 2018 - offers, prototype

Announcing the prototype series: your chance to get a custom guitar made at a discount as I refine my build process.


The Blues Deluxe: a fully custom t-style deluxe voiced for vintage blues

6 Feb 2018 -

I made a video to show off the latest guitar I've build, called The Blues Deluxe.


Another week out the shop

4 Feb 2018 - amp, cheese, monkigras, video

Some time spent working on CAD models to enable me to better build my guitars, and a trip to Monkigras conference.


The Red Rocker: a fully custom classic rock voiced t-style guitar

4 Feb 2018 - red rocker

I made a short video to show off the first guitar that I fully made myself, The Red Rocker.


A pick and mix sort of week in the shop

27 Jan 2018 - amp, blues deluxe, form 1, formlabs, fusion 360, red rocker

One of those weeks where you do lots of little things which keep you busy but don't feel like they add up to much progress to show.


A week out of the shop

20 Jan 2018 - form 1, formlabs, oshug

A week outside the workshop, seeing some talks on open source electronics mixed with music, and I design my new guitar headstock.