Tags > Bass

Workshop catchup: Bass edition

3 Jan 2025 - bass, CAD, laser-cutting

An update on the progress on my first bass guitar build: CAD refinements, creating templates, and making first dust!


A selfie photo of me in the workshop waving to the camera. I'm wearing a respirator, ear-defenders, eye-protectors, and overalls.

Designing a Bass Guitar

27 Oct 2024 - bass, cad

After a hiatus from the shop, I've been getting back into the swing of things by designing my first bass-guitar.


A 3D render of a short-scale electric bass-guitar. The body is an offset, slightly angular solid-body, shown in wood stained a crimson red. It has two white-covered pickups, and two dials and a selector switch on it. The neck has a rosewood fretboard is otherwise maple. The guitar is laid down on a solid blue background.

A Week in the Shop

5 Aug 2023 - bass, design, fretwork, Fusion 360, grain filler, hästen, verkstaden

This week I had both the highs and lows as my neck building exceeds my expectations before I'm knocked down a peg or two on the next stage. I also prep two guitar bodies ready for the stray-booth, and I do some CAD work on bass guitar work.


Two guitar bodies sit on the workbench, ready to go to the spray booth for painting. Both have a stick screwed into the neck pocket to be held in the clamp during spraying, and one has a cardboard mask on one side as only the rear will be painted.