Tags > Amp
Another week out the shop
A pick and mix sort of week in the shop
27 Jan 2018 - amp, blues deluxe, form 1, formlabs, fusion 360, red rocker
One of those weeks where you do lots of little things which keep you busy but don't feel like they add up to much progress to show.

Another week in the shop
13 Jan 2018 - amp, blues deluxe, control panel, red rocker
We reach that magic moment where the CAD model and real life match up for the amplifer build, and we do a little finishing work on the neck for build number 3.

A New Workbench Amp for the New Year
A week mostly not in the shop
17 Dec 2017 - amp, fusion 360, pickups

A(lmost) a week in the shop
9 Dec 2017 - amp, measure measure cut