I've learned a lot from other guitar builders over the years, and so this blog is a way for me to share my own build experiences and hopefully let others learn from my success and mistakes!
A week in the shop
24 Jun 2019 - cigar box, corvette, health and safety, woodwork
A week in which we mostly get the cigar box guitar ready in the push towards Liverpool Makefest, and I make a start on the neck for a new guitar.
A week in the shop
9 Jun 2019 -
The new thicknesser arrives, I make a start on the cigar box guitar I designed for Liverpool Makefest, and I setup the recovery offset guitar to finish it off.
A week in the shop
2 Jun 2019 - metalwork, pickups, thicknesser, training, wirign
The recovery-offset enters the final phase of the build process, we order a wood thicknesser for Makespace, and I get trained on a metal mill.