IKARI at King Tut's
15 Aug 2017
Tags: ikari, music, the chuncaster, video
I’m a very proud brother: my brother Tristan and his friends, known collectively as IKARI played their first gig at the famous King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut in Glasgow, and really knocked it out the park.

They played a six song set as part of a four band line up at King Tut’s that evening. They executed their songs flawlessly, they sounded great, and the audience packed (by far the biggest audience of the evening). They even had the audience singing along loud to their single Ghosts and the as yet unreleased Ocean Waves.

I was also a wee bit proud for another reason: Tristan used the guitar I built for him on stage. That guitar, which was a labour of love for the better part of a year, has featured both in the single IKARI recorded and now their live set: I feel truly honoured that this thing I’ve made has been a part of IKARI’s story. In software we have the concept of shipping our products: I’d say this guitar has definitely shipped :)